Tuesday, December 6, 2016

5 Ways to Increase Your Customer Lifetime Value

The success story of any business depends on many factors and the most important one being the customer loyalty. Unfortunately, many companies have started spending a huge amount on customer acquisition that costs around 7 times as compared to customer retention.
There is nothing wrong in growing the customer database. However, businesses with large repeat customers gain more revenue than the ones having fewer repeat customers irrespective of the number of customers.

Increasing brand loyalty may not be an easy task, but it is not impossible either. Here are some of the easy ways to increase your customer lifetime value:

Appreciate fans through your content

One tactic is to put your fans in the limelight to make them feel valued & appreciated. It can be done by embedding social media posts from fans that have shared something good about your company. Hence, they will give more priority to your brand thereby acting as a direct marketing asset.

Send Personalized Gift to Fans

Analyze social media accounts of the repeat customers that love your services to figure out something they will love. If there is anything, they must have talked about it with their friends or colleagues through networks. All you have to do is send that particular gift with a personal touch to gain trust. 

Be Available when Customers need you

Quick resolution to any issues faced by customers is also one of the plus points for the business growth. Redirecting them to customer team is not the only solution, being there to clear the confusion is necessary.  Research says users having bad customer service experiences are more likely to share them in public.

Give something different from competitors

It has become difficult to make customers happy using discounts or offers. Instead of providing same benefits to all, give something extra to loyal customers that your competitors are not giving. Many companies using Customer Loyalty Solutions are gaining high growth than those who are not using them.

More Importance to Quality

Customers have a large number of choices while opting for any business. To make your brand unique from others, you need to focus on quality. For building brand on loyal customers, you need to provide something better than most of the customer expects. If the customer is convinced that they have the best product, they will definitely talk about it.

After discussing the ways to increase customer lifetime value, we know that loyalty program plays an important role in building your business. For any confusion or query, get in touch with the well-known team of California Web Developers that offers best loyalty solutions.

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